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How to activate your subscriptions on facebook

You might have noticed sometime that some people have got hundreds of subscribers to their public posts.At the same time,you may not be having even a single subscriber and you wonder why is it so.The answer to the question is that you haven't allow the subscribers to your public posts.You might also think that allowing subscribers will be a compromise with your security.But be relaxed because the subscribers will only be able to see those posts and data which you have made available Lets just go through "How to allow Subscriptions on Facebook"

How to allow the people subscribe to you

The picture below shows the scenario when you haven't allow the subscriptions on facebook.Clearly,there is no "Subscribe" button available for the people who want to subscribe to you.

To allow the subscriptions,just follow the steps below. .

1) Go to your account settings

2) Click on the subscribers tab which looks like one highlighted with red in the picture below

3)Clicking on the subscribers button will take you to the page which will look like one shown below.You can now allow your subscribers by checking the box reading "Allow Subscribers" in the portion highlighted with the red pen.

4) Now as you have allowed your subscribers,you can confirm it by visiting your profile and viewing it with the option "View As".You will now get to see a "Subscribe Button" in your profile as shown below

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